Sixth Form Dress Code

Sixth Form students are role models for younger students and are expected to set an example to the rest of the school through their smart business-like dress. The intention of the Sixth Form dress code is to dress as if they were working in a smart office environment. 

Sixth Form Clothing 

  • Shirt, blouse or smart top – If wearing a collared shirt, ties must be worn. Tops that expose the abdomen or reveal cleavage are unacceptable, as are strapless, strappy tops, polo tops, and backless or baggy tops with logos. 
  • Tailored trousers, chinos, knee-length skirt or dress. (grey, black, beige) – No jeans, combats, leggings, tracksuit bottoms or shorts. Skirts / dresses must not be too figure hugging or not have slits of more than two inches
  • Smart leather shoes (black, brown). (High Heels should not have a stiletto heel). Trainers, canvas pumps, heavy boots and flip-flops are not allowed. 
  • Suit or smart jacket (optional).
  • Jumper or cardigan (optional).
  • All students must wear their Sixth Form Lanyard and pass at all times.

Banned items: 

  • Hoodies 
  • T-shirts 
  • Denim 
  • Hair-dye (no unnatural colours) 
  • Excessive make-up 
  • Coats and casual jackets may not be worn inside the building 

Most jewellery is considered acceptable, for sixth-formers, with the exception of tongue or facial piercings. However, students may be required to remove items if an excessive amount of jewellery is worn. Nails may be painted but impractical long false nails are not acceptable.

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Our fantastic 6th formers are delivering a series of lessons on positive mental health to our year 7s. Here is an example of the great work they are doing.

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