Information for Admissions at Northwood School
The below policies outline the admission processes for ‘in year’ applications for years 7-11. It also shows the process for the intake of students transitioning from year 6 to year 7 for the first time.
We ensure that students will be admitted to Northwood School at the age of 11 without reference to ability or aptitude.
Our intake for year 7 is 180 students – we follow this quantity throughout our year groups.
Admissions Policy 2025/26 (transfer of students from year 6-7 next academic year)
Admissions Policy 2024/25 (transfer of students from year 6-7 next academic year)
Radius of furthest distance offered (2024)
Northwood is part of the Pan-London Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme and application forms for Year 7 transfer can be obtained from the local authority in which your child lives. Alternatively, you can apply online at The closing date for applications is 31st October 2024. Offer letters will be sent to parents by their local authority on 1st March 2025.
Students with an Education, Health & Care Plan
As your child approaches the age for transfer to secondary school a suitable placement will be discussed at your child’s annual review. You may at that time indicate your choice of school. If you wish your child to attend a mainstream school you should also fill in and return the application form you receive from your child’s primary school.
The SEND team will deal with this application (for students with statements) and will contact both you and your school of choice. The SEND team will then write to you amending the statement and naming the new school.
You will also receive a letter from the Admissions Team confirming the placement; this will arrive at the same time as it does for all other students who are transferring to secondary school in September 2025.
A calendar for the allocation of Special Needs places has been agreed with the LA, and must be closely adhered to.
In Year Admissions
As an academy, Northwood School is its own admissions authority school. This means that applications for a place other than the primary to secondary transfer are made directly to the school.
Our In-Year Admissions form can be found on the link below or requested from our school office.
If your child(ren) is starting at the school, it is vital that the following policies are read – please click each link to view.
Data Collection Form (Only complete this form if your child has been offered an In-Year place)
Northwood School In Year Application Form
Newcomers Booklet 2023
Behaviour for Learning Policy
Online Safety Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Home School Agreement
Attendance Policy
SEND Policy
Uniform Policy
Biometric Consent
If you have applied for, but not been offered a place for your child at Northwood School, you have the right to lodge an appeal against the decision. Such appeals are dealt with under the ‘Appeals Procedure’ established by the Governing Body.
If you wish to lodge an appeal you should put your request in writing to Northwood School, marking your envelope for the attention of the Clerk to Governors and include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. You will then be sent an appeals pack with details of the appeals procedure.
Requests for Appeals for Year 7 transfer for September should be registered by 31st March. Appeals for all other year groups can be lodged at any time and must be heard within 30 school working days.
Appeals will be undertaken strictly in accordance with the current DfE Statutory Guidance, Admissions Appeals code 2012.
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Our office opens at 8am and closes at 4pm. Any calls after that will be tended to the next working day. If your child is a member of Northwood School, they will be able to contact their teachers by using their school Gmail account, or via Google Classroom.