Student Leadership

School Council

The school council is run by elected students from every other student leadership team. It is the main forum for student voice in the school. Each year the group works to develop key focus areas of our school community, meeting with members of the Leadership Group to present ideas. The group meets on a monthly basis facilitated by a member of staff. Ideas and progress of the group is fed back to the rest of the student body through form time and assemblies.

Sixth Form Leadership Team

The sixth form leadership team is a passionate and dedicated group of students who are elected by their peers to represent year 12 and 13. The leadership team meet weekly to plan social and fundraising events and liaise with staff to make improvements to the student experience at Northwood.

House Captains, Vice-captains and Ambassadors

The primary role of House captains is to encourage student participation in sports, PE and House related events. They organise House events and keep a running total of House points. To become a member of this group, students need to show an interest and aptitude for the House system. Vice-captains assist with House Captains. Ambassadors are responsible for promoting the uptake of House competitions. The House Coordinator will coordinate the House captains and meet with them regularly. 


Our Prefects are selected through a rigorous application process open to Year 9 and 10 students only. Prefects are appointed following applications and interviews with the Head of Year or Senior Leadership Team. It is classed as a senior role within the student leadership structure and is taken very seriously by all who are successful in the application process.

Prefects have a range of responsibilities ranging from doing lunchtime canteen duty, supporting at key events throughout the year and acting as ambassadors for the school. Prefects can be assigned to departments to assist the Head of Department with subject specific needs. They help to support positive behaviour around the school and are seen as role models in their everyday interactions.

Green Team

The Green Team aims to improve the environmental impact of the school through education and activism. The Green Team is focused on increasing the schools biodiversity and educating the school community on how to reduce, reuse and recycle in a way that lowers their carbon footprint. The Green Team is a great leadership opportunity for those who care about our environment.

Health and Wellbeing Team

The Health and Wellbeing Team focus on ensuring positive student and physical health is promoted through tangible actions that can be carried out by every student. Discussions take place around every aspect of student wellbeing and students try different methods of self care that can be shared with the student body. 

This team is dedicated to ensuring students know how to keep safe, healthy and positive.


Interact lead the school in terms of raising awareness of local, national and international charity events. They are responsible for charity fundraising at school. Students on this body will ensure that all students are aware of National events like Children in Need, Red Nose day as well as raising awareness of other issues such as Mental Health.

The team hold bake sales for our school charities, a refreshment stall on Sports day, organise the Winter Fair, our Valentines Day form time friendship celebration and much much more.

This team has so much fun whilst educating us on important issues in society.

Sports Captains

Sports Captains act in accordance with our Northwood PE mission statement which underpins and is guided by the values of the Olympic and Paralympic movement – Respect, Excellence, Friendship, Determination, Inspiration, Courage and Equality. Students will organise and facilitate the delivery of inter-house sports competitions and inter school sports events. Sports Captains promote sport, health, well-being and sporting achievement throughout the school. Sports Captains will promote and assist the running of enrichment activities.


Our Stonewall School Champions play a crucial role in our community in celebrating diversity and inclusion. They work to make every person in our community feel safe, respected and heard. 

Student Librarians

Our student librarians play a vital role in ensuring our students our library is run smoothly and effectively for every year group.

Tech Ambassadors

Tech Ambassadors meet and discuss technology issues that affect students at our school. We promote E-safety within the school and provide important updates about E-safety to students through tutor notices. The Tech Ambassadors also deliver an assembly to each year group where we provide valuable information about staying safe online and tips to students on how to manage E-safety concerns.

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6 days ago

Our fantastic 6th formers are delivering a series of lessons on positive mental health to our year 7s. Here is an example of the great work they are doing.

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Our office opens at 8am and closes at 4pm. Any calls after that will be tended to the next working day. If your child is a member of Northwood School, they will be able to contact their teachers by using their school Gmail account, or via Google Classroom.