Please use this form to report an incident of bullying to us. We have zero tolerance to bullying and want to ensure all our students are supported and feel safe. Bullying is usually defined as behaviour that is:
- repeated
- intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally
- often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation
Please note before you complete this form please ensure that this is a genuine case as we will be investigating all cases a priority. If any cases are found to be fabricated then these will be sanctioned and dealt with accordingly. Thank you for your support with this.
Reporting a Bullying Concern at Northwood School
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View our Social WallOur Year 10 cohort for this year's Brilliant Club visited the University of Oxford this week to attend their Graduation event. Students toured Keble College and met with current students. The day celebrated their achievements and allowed them to explore their future options!
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Please use the relevant details below to contact our office.
Our office opens at 8am and closes at 4pm. Any calls after that will be tended to the next working day. If your child is a member of Northwood School, they will be able to contact their teachers by using their school Gmail account, or via Google Classroom.