Northwood School Prospectus

The Curriculum 6 “The curriculum is well planned and provides pupils with a very firm foundation for the next stage of their education. The majority of pupils in Key Stage 4 follow a challenging GCSE curriculum, which prepares them well for advanced level study.” Ofsted Key Stage 3 Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum (Years 7 to 9) provides a broad and balanced foundation for students to ensure that they are well-prepared for a successful Key Stage 4 in Years 10 and 11. Particular emphasis is given to the development of strong literacy skills at Key Stage 3. The school’s literacy provision is highly effective at enabling students to make good progress with their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, which are absolutely essential to engaging with the Key Stage 4 curriculum in whichever subject. Students’ reading and writing levels are assessed regularly throughout Key Stage 3 and intensive additional support is provided to accelerate progress where necessary. A programme of personal, social, health and citizenship education is undertaken by all year groups on a weekly basis. Key Stage 4 The majority of Northwood students undertake the “English Baccalaureate” which comprises GCSEs in English, Mathematics, Science, the Humanities and a Modern Foreign Language. For the small number of students for whom the English Baccalaureate is not suitable, additional Maths and English lessons are provided as well as vocational learning opportunities. A wide range of optional subjects, including practical skills courses as well as academic courses, are offered. Students choose from this range following a comprehensive option process mid-way through Year 9. Careers education and guidance and work-related learning take greater prominence at Key Stage 4. We invest in independent advice for the students to ensure that they are fully informed about opportunities beyond Year 11 and implement a programme to develop our students’ employability skills, guided by our employer partners. Key Stage 5 Our Sixth Form focuses on academic excellence and preparing students for university education and degree level apprenticeships. Our highly-skilled teachers deliver a wide range of A-level to suit all interests and students are supported through skilled pastoral care. The Northwood Diploma Alongside their academic study, all students complete the Northwood Diploma throughout year 12. This offers students a wealth of enrichment experiences which develop their independence and resilience. Crucially it allows them to acquire skills which they will need beyond the classroom and in the world of work. The diploma is made up of four strands: • Community Service (volunteering, prefect duties, running clubs/enrichment etc) • Intellectual Curiosity (wider reading, lectures, Future Learn Courses etc) • Work Experience/career preparation (work, university trips, summer courses etc) • Extra curricular activities (sports, debate, film, drama, book club or any other extra-curricular pursuit) We have strong links with top universities and students receive comprehensive guidance on the UCAS process. In addition, we run a preparation pathway for our potential Oxbridge students. Teaching in the sixth form is highly effective. Students respond with enthusiasm to the high levels of challenge. Teachers give students incisive and well-targeted feedback on their work.” Ofsted