Northwood School Prospectus

5 “Pupils conduct themselves in an exemplary manner in lessons, in corridors and around the school. They are thoughtful towards each other, respectful of their teachers and unfailingly polite to visitors.” Parent Behaviour & Discipline Our Behaviour for Learning Policy is underpinned by a very clear principle: that we provide, in every classroom throughout every day, the optimum learning environment where every student is focused on what Northwood School is all about - good learning. We adopt a traditional stance on discipline and are intolerant of any form of disruptive behaviour in class. Students are very clear about expectations and consequences, and teachers are consistent in their approach. Underpinning this is the fact that teachers are highly effective at establishing positive relationships in their classrooms, which students value and respond well to. ‘Firm, friendly, fair’ is our mantra - and it works! We also have high expectations with regards to how our students present themselves and insist on full compliance with our uniform regulations. Students are encouraged to participate in the wider life of the school and to get actively involved in the running of various activities. This contributes to a very healthy ethos around the school, high levels of enjoyment and excellent student maturity. We operate a merit system, primarily focused on recognising good effort and attitude, which is popular with students. Individuals’ successes in a whole variety of areas are celebrated in regular celebration assemblies, where certificates, medals and prizes are awarded.