Northwood School Prospectus

Extra Curricular Opportunities 7 We provide our students with a vast range of enriching opportunities beyond the classroom to not only make their time at school more enjoyable but also develop their personal interests and talents. For a physical challenge, there are opportunities to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme or the World Challenge expedition; for those with an interest in drama, School productions offers students the chance to perform on a professional stage; and for keen sportsmen and women we are blessed by having staff who have played sport at a national level. We arrange a large number of school trips, each of which has a different aim. Some of these are related to subjects or examination courses; others are of a social nature. Many of these are day trips but some are residential visits which add another dimension to learning by their contribution to personal and social development. We run very successful trips overseas including sports tours and ski trips. We believe that, with the range of clubs (both sporting and non-sporting), cultural visits and school trips on offer, we have something for everyone. “Pupils relish the opportunities to make a positive contribution to school life. For example, they willingly lead fundraising and charitable events.” Ofsted “The extra-curricular programme is extensive and highly valued by pupils.” Ofsted