Northwood School Prospectus

Care, Guidance & Support We value our reputation as an exceptionally caring school where each child is looked after as an individual. We operate highly effective transition arrangements to ensure a smooth and successful transition to secondary education, in terms of both academic progress and pastoral care. Students are placed into form groups who register each morning with their respective form tutors who take responsibility for overseeing the personal development and well-being. Form tutors act as the first point of contact for parents. Tutors typically remain with the same form each year. A strong relationship with parents is vitally important to us. Ofsted rated the quality of our partnerships with parents as ‘outstanding’. Attainment reports are issued several times a year enabling students (and their parents) to be clear about current progress. Students attend oneto-one meetings to discuss their reports, with their tutors in Years 7 and 8 then with members of the Leadership Group in later years. As students build towards their Key Stage 4 and 5 examinations they are supported by mentors, either from within the school staff or from our employer partners. A comprehensive ‘next steps’ programme is implemented at key times during a student’s school journey: in Year 9 in relation to Key Stage 4 option choices, in Year 11 in relation to post-16 education and training opportunities, and throughout Years 12 and 13. Student relationships are excellent at Northwood, both within and across year groups. Students are supportive of each other and there is a real sense of community. A number of our students are trained peer supporters who actively look out for the welfare of others. We maintain our positive ethos with robust anti-bullying practices that ensure our students feel safe and secure and are fully confident in both seeking assistance and knowing that any concerns will be dealt with. 4 “The promotion of British Values, for example of tolerance, respect and democracy, is integral to the work of the school and a powerful force underpinning its culture and daily life.” Ofsted “Leaders’ work to safeguard and care for pupils is exceptional.” Ofsted