Northwood School Prospectus

Headteachers Welcome 2 “I want to congratulate Northwood School for achieving great results for the students in your school. I want other schools to learn from your good practice.” Sadiq Khan Mayor of London It is my pleasure to invite you to find out what makes Northwood School such a special place. Northwood is a friendly, happy, welcoming school where young people are enabled to make excellent academic progress and develop the knowledge, skills, qualities and values required to lead successful and fulfilling adult lives. As a relatively small secondary school, we are uniquely placed to care for each child as an individual. Our relentless focus on ensuring the highest academic standards has consistently placed us amongst the top 5% of schools in England based on sustained improvement, and our recent examination outcomes place us well above the national averages for student attainment and progress. We are also a member of the Mayor’s Gold Club, a prestigious award for the best schools in London. In addition to providing the highest quality teaching for successful learning in lessons, we are passionate about providing excellent enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom, so that all of our students have a rewarding and enjoyable time with us as they develop their interests and talents. Finally, our wonderfully designed school buildings provide an exceptional learning environment for our school community with excellent facilities both in and out of the classroom. I look forward to welcoming you to Northwood School at some point in the future; in the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading our brochure. Mehul Shah Headteacher “Pupils make exceptional progress in all year groups” “Teachers meet individual pupils’ needs exceptionally well.” “Leaders are meticulous in ensuring that pupils receive superb pastoral care. The supportive climate enables all pupils to feel safe and to flourish.” Ofsted